
Why Hire Senior Care Resources? Reason #2

If our #1 reason to hire us for our experience isn’t enough then we’ve got more. This should probably be rule #1.   Peace of Mind.

Imagine that you have applied for Medicaid (Medical Assistance) and after 3 months you get a denial.  You also have a monthly bill that now totals over $30,000.  DENIED?  How?  Double up on the blood pressure medication.

Yet this happens all the time, and some for incorrect reasons.  We could write a book.

You need someone who has a lot of experience who can be your guide and who knows when an application should be approved.

You can appeal any denial and the case stays open.  But, unless you’ve done this before, not knowing what to expect can be very traumatic.

With all of our experience, we know what the outcome should be and usually will be able to intercept a problem issue your application may have before it is too late.  SCR does not provide legal advice and we are not lawyers.  However, we were founded by an elder law attorney and will let you know when you should  seek legal advice.   Not everyone applying for Medical Assistance needs an attorney, but everyone needs someone with experience to guide them through this system safely and will tell you when to worry, and when not to worry.